
Showing posts from 2018

Why is it?

It's only been 1 1/2 years since I was lying in our Reno home, thinking to myself, how am I going to handle all of this.  To have a husband killed, a Drunk Driver, killer, with a traffic ticket, 2 Attorney's down because of neglect & 2 unethical Prosecutors who think there God. How the hell am I going to deal with this and why have I been put into this position. Could I handle all of what was ahead! Within days it came to me that I would start a business. One that I had full knowledge of its content and purpose. Over the next several months the idea of how this business will hold those accountable for their actions, unfolded, Press Releases!  I contemplated hiring a firm to compose & release, until the prompting of my brother who boosted the idea that I handle it myself. Why not, I've come this far self teaching, so I let fear leave my space. Why is it we allow new learning's & adventures to scare us, why is it we don't always allow the writing on th...

Embracing the Journey

Recently after spending time with my sisters and family, I am now back home at work. Preparing the launch of a non-profit geared to helping families of homicide. Today, in the process of the gallery page,  I have looked at many pictures of souls lost to killings. I think to myself, not many of us in our lifetime will have a husband slaughtered by a drunk or daughters/brothers killed by the hands of another. I come closer to the reason for Gods decision to put me in this position and I am starting to enjoy every bit of the journey, discovering why I was selected. Enjoy your family and the simplicity of your life.  Embrace whats around the corner, you never know what the plan is!                                                  

What does the rain bring out in you?

I've been traveling recently so have put off my blogging.  Working on a new non-profit launch and spending time with family.  Tonight I sat with my great nieces, discussing all the adventures and got on the topic of writing. A topic they shied away from, obviously not their favorite thing.  I explained,  writing comes from a spark within, a feeling or emotion, like the feeling you get when it rains, which always brings on a mood in some form, good or bad.  I hope in the near future to be impressing my writings on them and to those foremost in the publicity world. Let it Rain!!!  Love you Girls.

Where have all the Saints gone?

I was speaking to my sister about some posts on facebook of people who think or feel they are on the way to Sainthood or randomly using Gods name as a mechanism for support (monetarily).  My mind went back to my childhood and what my Mom had taught me, which was that to be a Saint you have to prove a Miracle and that your trust in God will be challenged.  The loss of all you know, the life you once knew, gone. Only a Saint would never lose trust in that Love. On my horrific journey of the past 3 years, God has pulled me out of the pit (very slowly), no matter the pain, I would never lose trust. And then introduced me to an amazing spirit, my Master Teacher (see pics., Teacher in mountains & Beach). Is this the test of Sainthood or just the beginning of an Outstanding Spiritual Journey...www.fairplayfacts,com  Time will tell.

Should Women Rule the World?

I have realized recently that I am being surrounded!! Surrounded by engaging, artistic, secure, intelligent women! After having spent 2 years boxed in by male Attorney's who represented to be one thing yet actually were weaklings & fabricators. I am now enjoying the strength of secure women. From my amazing Web designer & new Realtor. To the two engaging women who have agreed to represent my upcoming non-profit "Fair Play Frankness". I'm sure now that women should rule the World.     

Beginning Phase 3

Having spent the better part of 2 years, mentally creating a website and developing a plan of action for its purpose.  #1 to educate families of homicide of their rights/terminology, #2 to monitor Prosecutors and the final phase #3, to ensure that the Public is Aware Of Corruption in the State Attorney, DA levels of our Government in every State. I am content to say that phases 1 &2 are completed and with a little more time & finesse they will be spot on. I am even more excited that I get to start phase #3 for this wonderful website and now will venture into the world of Press releases!                                                                                                ...

Do you have Widow Brain?

Reading through a facebook post of another widow (her husband also slaughtered by a drunk), it mentions "Widow Brain". Having never heard this expression before, this post seems to clear up many things for me. Now I have a better understanding of my new emotional being.  Yet my total loathing of Killers, Perjurers, & Corrupt Prosecutors has not altered one bit.  I guess i'll have to write that post after they all pay their dues.                                                               DEATH OF A SPOUSE

A New Family

Being thrust into this new life without my husband has been very difficult to say the least, I'm part of a family that I really don't want to be. Several months ago my high school friend lost her son, as I watch and listen to her pain, it brings me back to a world some 2+ years ago that I joined without a choice.  Now she's part of this family, facing a new reality.  It's all so dreadful but we need to brush ourselves off, deal with our pain & prepare for our purpose.

And Justice for All!

Pondering this Veterans day, thinking of how many souls have sacrificed for our liberties and justice in this Country. It dispirits me to know that after all those sacrifices, all that pain, this country is in such a horrible state of corruption.  We may have more liberties than most yet the justice in this country is close to being obsolete. Governors, police, elected officials, those very people we vote into office to protect us, seem to care more about themselves or those who can supply them funds vs protecting our rights.  I can't seem to put my finger on how long this deterioration has been going on yet I do realize it has to stop. It's going to be a long road.                                        

Is Orange the new black?

Did you know under the US Crime Victims' Rights Act,  it is a crime to refuse the right of family to be informed of court proceedings after a homicide? So I wander why Bernie McCabe State Attorney & Jennifer Menendez Kotch Asst. State Atty. (Pinnellas County FL) have never contacted me regarding my husbands killing by a .254 Drunk driver (3/12/16) & the legal proceedings!  After months of tracking them down, trying to get these Jokers on the phone.  Menendez Kotch states to me that in Florida she can " get into her car loaded, drive down the street, kill a family of 4 & get away with it".  These 2 narcissist actual think they can make their own rules. The problem is, they picked the wrong wife... I hear Orange is the new black.

Does trust get us anywhere?

Now that I am at the stage in this journey of alleviation having a super Wrongful Death Attorney. I'm going to start re-living my process of the horrific circumstances, to remind myself & let anyone interested in knowing, the truth.  My mind flows back to the 3 Florida Wrongful Death Attorney's I have had to endure (all in Clearwater,Tampa). The 1st did nothing but tried to get me to sign my civil rights away & told me that .254 blood alcohol was a beer! The 2nd bowed out because he knew #1 and realized there was a conflict of interest problem that he didn't want to deal with. And the 3rd was just plain greedy & chicken shit! None of them ever did a thing for Frank & I. Sad to think these are professionals I trusted

How does the money flow in Florida?

Researching homicides in our Country, I have watched about 8 hours of news shows on murders. Five of the Eight, where committed in Florida, pretty high odds! One case was particularly interesting, the Aileen Wuornos case, were it is mentioned that Florida's cops tried to sell movie rights to her story (before sentencing) so they would make an extra buck, & Jeb Bush conveniently set her execution, 1 month before a vote. So Money started flowing through the Law & has been trickling to the Elected officials in Florida, for a long, long time.

When did we start losing our sense of self importance?

Recently, I spent days watching Netflix shows on accused or wrongfully accused (making a murderer, The staircase).  It is mind boggling in which direction this country has gone in the past 30 years. I know corruption has always been evident in the Law but to see that Scientists are getting into the picture, makes me ill. Having experienced corruption, my first thought was its all for money yet now I am sure it's of Narcissism? When did we as a society stop doing the right thing? #Godswatchingclosely

Shakedown, Breakdown

I love that song & sing it often to keep me motivated on my journey. Now that I am at the Shakedown stage, I find my life getting more and more interesting. The learning process and all the available support before me in educating the public & getting my story out there, is invaluable. I have grown from a grieving wife to advocate to Attorney to my new adventure as a Business owner/publicist. Everything is possible.

Violations, violations, violations!!!

My Editor contacted me today to inform me that FB will not release 1 of my video's on a boost. They are saying it violates their policies. I'm not sure what policy because they are unclear yet I think it's because I mention the names of the Constitutional Law violators from Pinnellas County Florida, Bernie McCabe & Jennifer Menendez Kotch. I am relieved to see that FB has a policy & follows it! Unlike these 2 poor excuses for Prosecutors, who think they will get away with violating policy's and Constitutional Rights!!

Is it me?

With my recent bursts of video's sent out on social media, I have come to notice that some can watch a short video and receive the message intended, while others find a whole new story within. I realize that watching a 2 to 3 minute blurb on my experiences & intentions, can be difficult to follow because of all the craziness!  I will insist on being clearer in future video's because the subject matter is too important.  Yet with almost 4,000 views, I must be doing something right.

Attorney's civil

Fair Play Facts...with nearly 6,000 people reach and 2,800 post engagements (2 weeks), is playing very well with others.  I guess the need for a simple one stop shop of information and honest truth, is a reality not many of us are used to.  Now its time for honest Civil Attorney's to join the team!

What's a Mother to do?

Recently, I spoke to my Moms in Law, reviewing the day Frank was killed. Quietly, painfully she says to me, he left here and I never saw him again!! I quickly relived the pain yet I can't imagine how it would feel to have my son killed & no one even asks that I go to the hospital after his death.  I try to make her understand the actions of this corrupt Prosecutors office, that never even called her after his killing...then I realized... what a Mother has to do is put her trust in a daughter who will insist on retribution. Get ready for adventure. Love you MOM.

How to choose a Civil Attorney

I recently taped a YouTube video, which I will post on Monday.  I speak of my experiences finding a Wrongful Death/Civil Attorney.  In this video I cover the Avvo rating that shows up now on most Attorney's listings. This rating is merely a rating that the Attorney's peers give them. I have found it to be contradiction to performance.  When considering an Attorney, client reviews should be given more importance among other deliberation when selecting an Attorney. Deborah McGuire on YouTube.

Why do we have to forgive...or do we?

With so many families affected by DUI killings, I see many posts about forgiveness. Forgiveness to those who have made a choice and took a life or two. I did notice that these families all have 1 thing in common, their Prosecutors did their job. I will never have forgiveness for Franks killer, his family, or the Prosecutors who acted as though my husband's life never existed and that I never existed!  I do exist and I feel like its time for all of them to know who I am!

To HELP or to Profit?

As I swim into the non profit world, with a goal of creating a non profit ( that will offer financial and referral support to grieving families. I have spent time researching/contacting other non profits to see if they can help me in my Constitutional quest. None of the five I have contacted with clear indications they assist with Attorney assistance, actually do.  The systems or staff come back with " we no longer offer this service".  So if your platform is to assist with Attorney referral, then what HELP are you? The HELP I noticed was the "donate" button on each page!!  Lets see how the ACLU does?

Is it attraction or knowledge

Have you ever realized that when things go unhinged in your life, it seems as though your attracting that into your life.  I am aware of books written covering this very topic. They say you are what you think!! Well, there may be some truth in that but I think that these situations could possibly be learning and knowledge for our souls. If you don't get it right the 1st time, you must get another lesson.  I'm getting my lesson right the first time.!  I didn't close up after receiving my assignments good or bad and now after absorbing all of the bad, all of the good is engulfing me!! #newattorneyintown , #Godswatchingclosely!

Do we ever really stop swinging?

As I walked through the park yesterday, I noticed a swing set. It reminded me of the set that sat across the street from my childhood home in N.J., I loved to swing in that park! I think that as we age, we forget how that felt, getting consumed with making $$, raising families or just surviving! Then my mind went to my home in Nevada, where my husband made me a swing under the oak tree, which I used all of the time. I haven't stopped swinging...the world around me has.

What is our purpose?

I hear it all of the time, "I don't know why this is happening to me" or "My Life is so crazy"! Comments to that affect. I think back through my life, the good and the bad.  Only to realize that I was not living my purpose. Sure I had a home, husband, businesses yet those experiences where only to prepare me for my purpose. Why do we forget that we have a purpose & that all things in our life are preparing us for that adventure? Maybe we're not up to the challenge?

Why so much Fear?

As I dig deeper into this case and having experienced 2 Wrongful Death Attorney's that seem to have fear of a challenge or is it that they just want a quick buck, maybe it's the fear of the realization of the corrupt system? I realize that the Law is not what it should be and that those we hire to protect us can be fearful.  Fear is just not part of my vocabulary nor will I allow it to be.

Now it's finally time!

Tomorrow I head back to my condo!! This hurricane has put a damper on my work yet I have made sure to enjoy to journey.  I was able to spend time at Anderson SC in the mountains, hiking and swimming with no Crocs!  I also enjoyed Greensboro GA, a quaint older town with lots of  character. Now it finally time to go home!

Hurricane Evacuation

As I have spent the last 2 days preparing and executing my evacuation from the beach.  This mayhem and uncertainty reminds me of the feelings I endured with the madness of Florida.  The lying State Attorney, the lazy Governor, the missing evidence and down right corruption!! Yet I now realize I am in total control of my fate and my ability to weather the storm to bring Justice to the Godless.

Why Non Profit Advocates?

As I start the process of forming a non profit, my mind goes back through the past 2 plus years. In this journey I had researched many non profit or Advocate sites for help with everything from Attorney's to my rights.  Which I was not aware of because of the State Attorney's corrupt behavior. Not ONE of these non profits really offered any help to me, they just referred me to another agency. Below is a pic of 1 non profits help.  This pic sits on a wall of DUI victims...somewhere!

Non Profit

I don't know if anyone out there reading this has had someone close them them killed. It is the most soul wrenching experience, one that I barely survived. Between the killing of my husband and the continuous corruption of Florida it left me with Graves Disease.  Today, I started a non-profit which will launch in about 2 weeks.  Fair Play Frankness will help families monetarily & with education of the system. Its sister is pure research which I never got to experience. 

Fringe Benefits

I recently saw an story on how State Attorney's and lobbyist are receiving huge donations to have extra access to law enforcement.  I am not surprised by this and I am sure its been going on for a very long time. So I started to think...if these State Attorney's are getting benefits from large Corporations to ensure assistance. Then what is to prevent these State Attorney from fattening their pockets from wealthy families when a "family member" is in need?  The Answer: Nothing, laws must be changed!


Today I started the first of my many Utube video diary's. I cannot say much about my case because it may hurt me later.  Which is surprising because I have hired 3 Florida Attorneys in the past 2 years.  1 of which tried to get me to sign my civil rights away, saying I would never sue my husbands killer or his Daddy (owner of the vehicle), the 2nd signed on and dropped out because he was afraid to go against the first Attorneys conflict of interest actions and the 3rd took up 1 1/2 years of my time and dropped out right before depositions (reasons unknown).  What protects us from these Attorney's??

Wrongful Death

An Action taken by families or Executors of an Estate against a defendant who has killed regardless of intent.  For any families who question if they have a Wrongful Death case, they can visit my website A simple, informative website which helps families understand terminology & protocol.

What if?

What if someone you love was killed...a child or Parent, possibly your spouse, would you be strong enough to stand up for your rights if you realized they where being ignored? Would you have the endurance to fight the fight against corruption? I'm sure that corrupt officials count on the fact that you would not!


Soon we will be voting on very important positions within our State Government.  Such as Senators, Attorney General and local positions like State Attorney.  Its interesting how those running focus the importance of their position by party, Democrat or Republican when they should be presenting their track record on residence security & safety, protection of laws voters put into law. And their ability to do the job they were hired to do. In Florida the existing Governor and Attorney General have a horrible track record of following or even caring what their actual job duties are. They are to oversee the implementation of State Laws, yet they allow State Attorney's to do whatever they want with no recourse. They're too busy fooling the public.

Hit and Run

A hit & run is a misdemeanor if you only cause property damage.  Otherwise it can hold the same consequence as fleeing the scene.  In any case you are to stop immediately and render aid to the injured!  Except in the city of Clearwater Florida, where the State Attorney will allow you to drive drunk, kill someone on the sidewalk  drive away...saying the drunk couldn't find a place to park!

Fleeing the Scene

Fleeing the Scene of a car accident is a criminal offense and can fetch you a minimum of 1 year in jail.  If you flee the scene after serious damage to another human being, it can get you imprisonment for up to 15 years (depending on the state).

Gods Watching closely

Today is my husband's 56 birthday.  I won't be able to celebrate with him, make him his favorite dish, or kiss him, because he was killed by a Drunk Driver who used the sidewalk as his road. Now I wear his remains around my neck, deal with ungodly Florida Officials on a daily basis and wander about my past peaceful life in the country of Nevada. I know Gods watching closely and will kiss you for me. Happy Birthday Frank.

The Florida Effect

The Florida Effect... I traveled to Florida this week to deal with more legal issues., this time I was able to absorb more of my surroundings & the people in it. My constant tossing and turning through Attorney's, Judicial and Elected officals over the past couple of years, has left me brain dead. This time I was sure to spend time with some locals!  My recent engagements with the "so called" professionals has made me more weary of the Florida system and everyone in it. Yet my brief time spent with the average PEOPLE, reminds me that not everyone is concerned with the almighty dollar and their relationships. There may be something good in Florida, you just have to track it down. 


Everyday since my husband was killed, I'd think to myself, how do I have the strength to deal with all of the horrible circumstances and people that have been brought forth to me.  As I slowly recuperate, I realize there was to be no other way.  My strength has been there all along and my spirit is stronger and more resilient than I ever imagined. I am ready for adventure!

Informative website

My new website is a wealth of information for families of those killed. We are also looking for qualified, exceptional attorneys to place ads for reference.
Did you know that when someone is killed, Prosecutors are required by Law to follow "Standard Protocol"!  If they don't they are violating your Constitutional Rights! My journey now is to file a Federal and State complaint against Florida's out of control Elected Officials.  I will be blogging and video U tube my journey.  To check out Standard Protocol go to

DUI Laws

Why do we have DUI Laws??  The laws vary State to State which is really not the problem.  The problem is that State Attorney's, DA's/Prosecutors do not always enforce the law!!  And our Judicial system fails often!! This is a picture of the sidewalk where my husband was walking when a .254 Drunk took him down on the sidewalk. Yet only received a traffic ticket. Are Florida's officials doing their job?

My Story - Husband killed by drunk driver in Florida

Fair Play Facts (FPF) has been created because of my long torment in trying to dissect what the process, legal terms and protocol was, after my husband Frank was killed by a drunk driver in Florida. The lack of process in our Justice System and those very people we vote into office and expect a standard of care from, especially after a loss of life, does not exist or if it does, I did not experience it. In my journey to get Justice for Frank (i.e. finding missing witnesses and transcriptions) or simply a charge for a .254 drunk driver that used the sidewalk for his road yet was given a traffic ticket!! I realized this broken system probably affects many families who through circumstance have no knowledge of their options and what to expect. My goal is to create a simple space, to guide families and through a rating process (see rating) bring awareness to this one-sided system. Which through a future launch of “F...