
Showing posts from October, 2018

When did we start losing our sense of self importance?

Recently, I spent days watching Netflix shows on accused or wrongfully accused (making a murderer, The staircase).  It is mind boggling in which direction this country has gone in the past 30 years. I know corruption has always been evident in the Law but to see that Scientists are getting into the picture, makes me ill. Having experienced corruption, my first thought was its all for money yet now I am sure it's of Narcissism? When did we as a society stop doing the right thing? #Godswatchingclosely

Shakedown, Breakdown

I love that song & sing it often to keep me motivated on my journey. Now that I am at the Shakedown stage, I find my life getting more and more interesting. The learning process and all the available support before me in educating the public & getting my story out there, is invaluable. I have grown from a grieving wife to advocate to Attorney to my new adventure as a Business owner/publicist. Everything is possible.

Violations, violations, violations!!!

My Editor contacted me today to inform me that FB will not release 1 of my video's on a boost. They are saying it violates their policies. I'm not sure what policy because they are unclear yet I think it's because I mention the names of the Constitutional Law violators from Pinnellas County Florida, Bernie McCabe & Jennifer Menendez Kotch. I am relieved to see that FB has a policy & follows it! Unlike these 2 poor excuses for Prosecutors, who think they will get away with violating policy's and Constitutional Rights!!

Is it me?

With my recent bursts of video's sent out on social media, I have come to notice that some can watch a short video and receive the message intended, while others find a whole new story within. I realize that watching a 2 to 3 minute blurb on my experiences & intentions, can be difficult to follow because of all the craziness!  I will insist on being clearer in future video's because the subject matter is too important.  Yet with almost 4,000 views, I must be doing something right.

Attorney's civil

Fair Play Facts...with nearly 6,000 people reach and 2,800 post engagements (2 weeks), is playing very well with others.  I guess the need for a simple one stop shop of information and honest truth, is a reality not many of us are used to.  Now its time for honest Civil Attorney's to join the team!

What's a Mother to do?

Recently, I spoke to my Moms in Law, reviewing the day Frank was killed. Quietly, painfully she says to me, he left here and I never saw him again!! I quickly relived the pain yet I can't imagine how it would feel to have my son killed & no one even asks that I go to the hospital after his death.  I try to make her understand the actions of this corrupt Prosecutors office, that never even called her after his killing...then I realized... what a Mother has to do is put her trust in a daughter who will insist on retribution. Get ready for adventure. Love you MOM.

How to choose a Civil Attorney

I recently taped a YouTube video, which I will post on Monday.  I speak of my experiences finding a Wrongful Death/Civil Attorney.  In this video I cover the Avvo rating that shows up now on most Attorney's listings. This rating is merely a rating that the Attorney's peers give them. I have found it to be contradiction to performance.  When considering an Attorney, client reviews should be given more importance among other deliberation when selecting an Attorney. Deborah McGuire on YouTube.