Nothing to Fear but Fear itself?

Recently, I was reminded of the fearful world I once lived in, when the potential buyer of my home backed out because a resident gave her negative information on the management.  A home that would give her everything she was asking for, yet she allowed one person create fear.

This brought me back several years ago, when I had to make a choice to stay in my home of 23 years or go. I knew I was put on a path yet, unsure of what was going on. 

I learned quite easily that I must trust God on this one. I had no clue what I was doing, I had no idea where I was going and if I would even sell my home. So I gave the fear to God and expressed everything I loved about my life and everything I would miss. I was also sure to mention things that I may like to happen but was not really sure. My deal was that if the home sold in 2 months then I would go, which it sold in a day and I was on my way to the unknown. To meet new people, to learn a new way. Always trusting, patient and excepting of what was brought to me. 

Moral of the story...why so much fear?...why do we try to control everything?

The cure to fear is trust. Trust in God. It's very simple, the more we control or try to control our destiny, we miss out on the true purpose of life. What that purpose is will unfold for many yet not those that try to control their fate. It's there, all of it, feel it.

Money, greed and control seems pretty prevalent in our World. Are these souls truly blessed? Is this the purpose for so many or are they missing the point of life? Have they allowed humility or is the goal of wealth and status all that matters? 

What about those that get depressed, leading to abuse. The very thought of going on in this life is unbearable. Is this because they had a thought of what life should be and did not except the change. Did they try to control and finally just give up?

Give it to God and move on. Once you are able to make this change, everything shifts, not one thing becomes more important than another, your soul is able to rest. Everything you need will be there for you and you won't sidetrack your life.

My next adventure I think will soon be beginning yet if that doesn't happen, I will except what will be. As for the woman who was to buy my current place, I look at it this way, she had it in front of her. With health issues she asked for a relaxing space, yet now she will need to do it again because she allowed fear to sway her.  



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