
You Talkin To Me?

"Spirit never sugarcoats. It speaks only truth on a need-to-know basis"                                                            Anthony St. Maarten  One Souls Adventure 8/3/23 cont'd Angels, spirit guides, family who have passed. Where are they as Frank still shows himself a week after his homicide. He is still here, I can see him.   Some say that spirit guides represent parts of our unconscious minds. Others and I am one of them, believe that they are assigned to us before birth. I know for a fact that my main spirit guide (there seems to be more than one) "Charlie" has been with me always. Charlie is rather humorous and has the most beautiful, deep voice. He makes appearances through dreams mainly, yet I have video of Charlie speaking behind me. He always has my back and watches out for me, espe...

Where's My Stopzemfrumfloppin?

There's something in the air, not sure when it surfaced but I have felt it for quite some time now. Of course I have noticed it with the females I have encountered over the past several years and it seems to be growing.    For me it was a subconscious choice. I felt better, more comfortable and never realized this choice was leaving other woman uncomfortable with their decision. Probably from public opinion or just past norms on what woman should look like.  When my neighbor is shy about standing up because there is a male present or some of my friends won't go out in public because of it. I started to feel awkward when I went out in public. Even this travel company was using it to entice freedom, so why didn't I feel free?              BE FREE ;) As all eyes seem to be on me when I walk through a store, is that my imagination? I don't think I look sloppy, I am not even sure that I care.  I am definitely not trying to draw...

One Souls Adventure

 (Releasing Control, cont'd) Love this quote! The death adventure is unknown as we breathing souls  have not experienced it. I have always had my ideas on this adventure via my mother who passed yet when my husband died tragically after being struck on a sidewalk by a drunk driver, this adventure seemed more a curse.  ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~         At first, you want to know what happened, then you ration that this may be a bad joke, then finally you come to your senses and realize that he is on his adventure. How could Frank endure this without me? We did most everything together and most every decision was made together. The...

Releasing Control :(

         You will have time to rest when you're dead.                                                  Robert De Niro Oh really! Appreciate the idea yet I disagree as my family on the other side have been busy guiding me and directing me since my husbands homicide and even before.  Months before his death my communications with the other side became somewhat strange. They would tell me to pray for Frank as he was going through some life issues as we all do. Everything I did, seemed incomplete and my ability to be his support failed. I realized very quickly that I had no control over my life at this point and any attempts to help him would not work because he had to do it.  Everything I tried, every move I made was a failure and through more conversations with my family on the other side, I quickly became ...

Good Vibrations!

        Hoping drains your energy. Action creates energy.  Robert T Liyosaki Why is it nearly every time I am near a computer something goes haywire. When I am at the casino's or working a register, there is always a problem, they stop working or start to have glitches. Is my energy doing this?    I've also noticed a conflict in my energy around people who are lethargic or self absorbed. I get a feeling of anxiety, it becomes hard to concentrate as they merely speak of their day or try to convince me what I am doing is wrong.  Are they draining my energy because they are at a lower frequency or is it because they are vibrating negative energy? We are all energy and I have always run at a positive, higher vibe. I have learned recently to tone it down yet when I am in the vicinity of very low energy souls or more negative people, I feel besides myself as if they are stealing my energy. The lack of passion or good vibes is draining.  It's t...

Living In The Light

            ~ Living in the light of eternity changes your priorities ~  Rick Warren **Walk The Walk blog con't 2/1/23 So here I am, catching up on my 40's, preparing to marry my love of 10 years and communicating with the other side through my parrot. We became accustomed to the early am calls of "good morning", which were generally orchestrated in two or three voices. One a high pitched, another a deep low tone and the occasionally "mornin" would slide in to the mix by a soft toned male.    It reminded us of the three stooges. They came and went, watched and loved from a distance. Every once in a while we would get some form of stronger communication from the other side "how are you?", "feel better",  but things remained fairly simple. We knew it was my family and we knew they are very happy. What about souls who have passed who are not related, can they communicate or care to communicate? Soon we would get the answer through our neigh...

Catch 22!

         " Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent"  ~  Adam Smith I see it everyday, prosecutors and judges working deals on homicides, murders, manslaughter cases and even simple civil cases are more and more getting one sided.  The side that the prosecutor or judge has an affinity too.    My concern is for the thousands of families who are affected by this disease in our country. Prosecutors and judges not following state laws and protecting their kin, other attorney's, people they know, or those they can benefit from. Any prosecutor who releases a manslaughter offender and fails to charge them, is obviously on the wrong side of the law. A judge who misrepresents on a wrongful death case while looking at the plantiff in the eyes, has been on the wrong side of the tracks for a long, long time! It's everywhere and sadly many reading this blog will or have experienced this rogue behavior. It's apparent the laws of the states ...