Catch 22!

         "Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent"  ~  Adam Smith

I see it everyday, prosecutors and judges working deals on homicides, murders, manslaughter cases and even simple civil cases are more and more getting one sided.  The side that the prosecutor or judge has an affinity too.   

My concern is for the thousands of families who are affected by this disease in our country. Prosecutors and judges not following state laws and protecting their kin, other attorney's, people they know, or those they can benefit from.

Any prosecutor who releases a manslaughter offender and fails to charge them, is obviously on the wrong side of the law. A judge who misrepresents on a wrongful death case while looking at the plantiff in the eyes, has been on the wrong side of the tracks for a long, long time! It's everywhere and sadly many reading this blog will or have experienced this rogue behavior.

It's apparent the laws of the states have taken a back seat to these attorney's.  The states or a least Florida, seem to have no concerns that the state is being controlled by bad judges, cocky prosecutors and the innocent are being made guilty through intentional bad calls, deals on charges, violating constitutional rights of the innocent an their families.  Why aren't states or Americans more concerned?


We need to be concerned, very concerned as the legal process is being overshadow by attorney's. DA's, SA's, Judges are attorney's and many Governors are former attorney's. The catch 22 begins when you suffer a loss, you contact an attorney, that attorney has relations with the prosecutor and or judges. One or all have a connection to someone in your case. What if the prosecutor has a relationship with the offender, do you think your attorney can be swayed? What if the judge plays golf with the father of the offender, do you think the law will be followed? 

Why do they get away with it? Good luck on a legal malpractice suit, finding an attorney to go after another attorney is nearly impossible, expensive and the statute of limitations protects them.

There is no such thing as justice in this country since prosecutorial immunity as it is unjust for unaccountability.  Established in the 70's, this immunity protects prosecutors and judges from lawsuits. So we are creating a bubble of creatures who are protected and through that protection they are dripping down the coverage to cops and other attorney's.

Simply put, prosecutorial immunity is unconstitutional. How it passed the supreme court is beyond me, as the constitution over and over again maintains that prosecutors must do their job, therefore if they don't they should be held responsible. This immunity has created fear in the innocent, many not knowing which way to turn as they watch the injustices flow. 

            Fight for your rights!  


The catch 22 solution...absolve prosecutorial immunity and all states should require police, prosecutors and judges to carry independent insurance, so that when this learned behavior injects itself into your case, no fear as the laws protects you not them. No statute of limitations on any attorney misconduct...period! This will prevent those of authority from becoming rogue and will most definitely ensure laws are followed with justice for all.

Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result...Unknown


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