Good Vibrations!

        Hoping drains your energy. Action creates energy.  Robert T Liyosaki

Why is it nearly every time I am near a computer something goes haywire. When I am at the casino's or working a register, there is always a problem, they stop working or start to have glitches. Is my energy doing this?  

I've also noticed a conflict in my energy around people who are lethargic or self absorbed. I get a feeling of anxiety, it becomes hard to concentrate as they merely speak of their day or try to convince me what I am doing is wrong.  Are they draining my energy because they are at a lower frequency or is it because they are vibrating negative energy?

We are all energy and I have always run at a positive, higher vibe. I have learned recently to tone it down yet when I am in the vicinity of very low energy souls or more negative people, I feel besides myself as if they are stealing my energy. The lack of passion or good vibes is draining.  It's the equivalent to being a neat freak and walking into a dirty house, unbearable.

Negativity, laziness, self absorption, arrogant, poor me, complacent attitudes are energy killers.  Those who radiate this energy will affect the energy of those with a positive, excited to try, lets go attitude. It's not only the level of energy, it is the emotion or thought from were the energy is derived. Which is why it is important to keep your distance if you are being affected by others energy, unless you want to become or reflect the same. 

I recently decided to be more selective on who I spend time with, as I was becoming emotionally and physically drained from my past relationships. Now I can refocus my energy into completing everything I set out to achieve before I was sidetracked by non-reciprocating energy.


As far as my energy impact on mechanical units, I do think it's because a conflict of energy. I need to lower my vibe and let the equipment do the work:) 

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.

                                                                                            Oprah Winfrey

                            **You better  believe it! Good Vibes Only!


  1. You need to form an energetic protective bubble around you. It helps keep negative energy away from you. You can check out different ways to accomplish this online. If you need help, contact me. You should also wear a protective crystal which repels negativity. Black Tourmaline is a great one. They can be found an line too, Check out the website.

    1. Thank you for that. I have black tourmaline along with many other stones. This blog is to let others know and identify how poor energy can affect them, which I learned long ago yet sometimes fall back into bad habits;) As far as me taking down mechanical equipment, It has been happening my whole life, it's getting stronger as I age but I do realize I vibe at a high level, so its to be expected. Thanks for commenting.


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