Where's My Stopzemfrumfloppin?

There's something in the air, not sure when it surfaced but I have felt it for quite some time now. Of course I have noticed it with the females I have encountered over the past several years and it seems to be growing. 

 For me it was a subconscious choice. I felt better, more comfortable and never realized this choice was leaving other woman uncomfortable with their decision. Probably from public opinion or just past norms on what woman should look like. 

When my neighbor is shy about standing up because there is a male present or some of my friends won't go out in public because of it. I started to feel awkward when I went out in public. Even this travel company was using it to entice freedom, so why didn't I feel free? 

            BE FREE ;)

As all eyes seem to be on me when I walk through a store, is that my imagination? I don't think I look sloppy, I am not even sure that I care.  I am definitely not trying to draw attention to myself, I just want to shop, So what is it that makes woman feel awkward when they fly free?

For my friends and neighbors who have inconvenient feelings about the support of their stopzemfrumfloppin's or lack of, I hope they embrace their decision and venture into the world with confidence, no fear! As my intent is to continue to feel good about myself regardless of who is looking and my stopzemfrumfloppin's are tucked away for another day.  #Fearless


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