You Talkin To Me?

"Spirit never sugarcoats. It speaks only truth on a need-to-know basis"

                                                Anthony St. Maarten

 One Souls Adventure 8/3/23 cont'd

Angels, spirit guides, family who have passed. Where are they as Frank still shows himself a week after his homicide. He is still here, I can see him.  

Some say that spirit guides represent parts of our unconscious minds. Others and I am one of them, believe that they are assigned to us before birth. I know for a fact that my main spirit guide (there seems to be more than one) "Charlie" has been with me always.

Charlie is rather humorous and has the most beautiful, deep voice. He makes appearances through dreams mainly, yet I have video of Charlie speaking behind me. He always has my back and watches out for me, especially through this trauma. 

I have had many experiences with angels and realize they have never walked to earth. It's to my knowledge that our spirit guides help us through life and on to the other side. They are that little inner voice. So where is Franks guide? Why so evasive or slow or even lazy was my thought. A thought that was soon proven wrong, like a bolt of lightning.

On the 8th day after his passing, my sister notified me that my niece had started a go fund me to help with costs. As many know, I never got introduced to advocates during this very traumatic event because of the corrupt cops & prosecutors. So this was intended to help and help it did in the most unusual way.

As I sat in the master bedroom, reading the copy of the GFM which speaks of crossing a bridge on a rainy night and then meeting an angel, who embraces and takes the soul off to heaven. My eyes swelled with tears and my thoughts went to Frank and where was his angel? When all of a sudden a loud voice came from the living room..."Hey Deborah! It's Angel!"

I could not believe my ears! This soul was talking to me and addressing me by my birth name!!! I was very proud of myself as I heard my own voice responding quickly and with an important question. "Who's angel are you?" I shouted.

The energy in the house was high, you could feel it, as the voice which was male, definitely a New Yorker, shouted back "it's Angel, I've got Frank!!! Like a jack rabbit, I darted out to the living room.  As soon as I entered the room, I could feel them leaving and then silence. No static.

As my energy started to come down, my thought soon focused on Angel. Not only did I just communicate directly with the other side but with a bold, direct soul, who absolutely came from New York. He had that cocky approach and reminded me of the cab driver on the movie "scrooged", a visual I would never forget.

I also pondered that he was for sure not an angel, he was like the crazy side kick. He was Franks spirit guide. Now it all made sense, Frank was always a little feisty, I am sure that's because he was lightly being nudged.


                   Franks spirit guide "Angel"                                                     


     My Spirit Guide:) "Charlie"

For the first time on this new adventure, my heart was secure in knowing that Frank was in good hands and it was obvious that God trusted and loved me enough to allow me to be part of my husbands death process. 

This day and what was to come, would be life changing events for me. I would never be the same with my new awareness...thanks to you Angel.

 Love you McGuire!


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