Protection for WHO?
Once upon a time, there was protection for the people of the USA, in this document called the Constitution that was established to protect the people. I became acquainted with this document by no choice of my own. It is through this acquaintance that I have become aware of how many elected officials use parts of this document to their benefit or so they think. The big one is the 5th Amendment which was often used for those who where accused, tried and found not guilty. It was a protection from double jeopardy. But what if rogue prosecutor's use the 5th amendment to benefit themselves? To help them "scratch a back" or make a little extra something, something? To wrongly protect the guilty by tampering, obstructing to set up the innocent to appear guilty. How many cases have we seen, Epstein for one, where the prosecutor appeared to being his job yet was protecting him? Who is there to protect the innocent from rogue, deceptive prosecutors? The 5th amendment ...