Who's watching Who?

            They never leave us, so feel no pain! 

                                        Feel no pain blog, Nov 19, 2022

I sometimes get asked, why do you hashtag Gods watching closely? Great question and somewhat easy to explain. The phrase was delivered to me from my mom, after her death.

I can hear you atheist now, yet I can assure you that this was just the first step in my process of connection. I was grateful that my mom kept her promise to come to me after her passing yet I never expected it in this form.

Within weeks of her death my then 2 year old parrot started to say "JoJo's got a friend", simple but I had never taught her that. Soon after,  my sisters prompted me to think of a question, never to speak it out loud, wait for the answer, if it was her, she would answer the question. So I did, the question was; are you happy? I never spoke it, I thought it.

About a week later, while relaxing, JoJo was agitated and dragging her beak, I tried to get up to retrieve a recorder, felt a gentle pressure on my chest to sit back down...then clear as day she said "its wonderful here, I'm very happy". My parrots beak is moving and the sentence just flow out of her. 

An amazing accomplishment for my mom to be able to do this, or so I thought. Over the next several weeks I recorded many verbalizations and then one day, I checked the recording and my mom told me what the dying process was for her. It purely went like this.

"Its really hot in here, I'm going up, going up into heaven. Came to an open road, didn't know what to do, going up, up....Gods watching closely.



A phrase that never left me! I am so grateful that my mother made sure she came to me in death, I was astonished on her choice of communication. My mother was teaching and helping me to use my mind vs believing everything you see, or what you are told to trust in.

It has been many years since my mom passed. Our communications grew and she was sure to indulge others on the other side in this venture. Which is why I am sharing this story of who's watching who. The interesting thing about the dead is, they like to talk and talk they do. Can you imagine what happens when someone takes the life of someone close to you.

To be continued.        

Love you!


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