The Honest Truth


        Honesty has a power that very few people can handle.

                                                Steven Aitchison

After spending the last four years dissecting and dealing with the outrageously dishonest souls within Florida's system,  I have come to the realization that the reason there are so many out of control elected officials, not only in Florida yet in our country, is because they have been dishonest for so long they wouldn't know honesty if it ran them over on a sidewalk!!

We have congested being honest with fear. The reality of a truthful conversation or speaking your truth honestly, has been disallowed, which has given those of power and the general population the ability to act and do as they want. The very purpose for their positions or life,  becomes a big lie, ignoring the truth. It has given others a reason to take advantage or to make others feel obligated vs being honest about their feelings. Leaving a path of fear of offending and fear of rejection.

Honesty has taken a back door in our society. Seriously people! stop challenging those who have a different opinion, stop being fearful to voice your opinion. Offend people, if they can't take it, that is their problem. People need to get a backbone, period. 

I would never allow anyone to impose their opinions or lies on to me. There is no other way, just honesty. To shun someone for their opinion or lifestyle is not the way yet expecting everyone to feel the same way deprives them of their truth, their honesty. So speak your truth and move on. If they can't handle it, Oh well. 

As for Florida, the deceit, lies and no questions asked is so thick, it may never correct itself. The only way our Government or Florida will ever recover is to disintegrate "prosecutorial immunity". But its not too late for you.

The truth does hurt and honesty is the best policy for without it we become a society of fools. Stop being a fool.



"your honesty is like a pill...hard to swallow", oh well I hope you don't choke on it;)



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