Running Rampant

     "Evidence can go missing for many different reasons"        

                                Florida's Ethics Commission Board

I cannot even believe that I actually have this in writing. This response pounds in the proof that Prosecutors are running rampant. This response is to my complaint to Florida's ethics commission on the rogue, rampant, Clearwater Fl.,  prosecutor,  who tampered/obstructed with an over abundance of evidence in a homicide!  Missing witnesses, missing supplements, missing audio, missing cop who took audio, missing transcriptions.

This behavior is not only going on in Florida, yet Florida is rabid with state attorney's, assistant state attorneys and average everyday attorney's running rampant! There are prosecutors all over the country doing the same thing, they are mistakenly feeling comfortable shielding each other. A brotherly type love, a kinship that leads to rogue behavior.

They lie for each other and to themselves!  

This particular board is comprised of 9 members, 6 of the members are attorneys and or former state attorneys (prosecutors). The remaining 3 members are business members. Well maybe that is why this ethics commissions board of Florida is confused, that must be why they feel that it is normal to lose evidence, no biggy!! They are not privy to the fact that a prosecutor loosing evidence is considered tampering/obstruction or that a prosecutor who does not contact next of kin after a homicide, is a color of the law violator. How can any complainant expect this board to know that when 3 of the members are business associated, they only know business law. 
Or could it be that the board has a higher percent of attorney's who are running rampant?
Make no mistake about it,  I am never shocked with Florida's attorney kinship. I also have a kinship to my husband and I have a kinship with God. It is through those kinships that I will be mistake free, spot on and confident that no matter how many fellow glorified attorney's try to protect the guilty by running the show, one day the their legs will give out.


"Misconduct Spreads as Thick as Thieves"

Deborah McGuire


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