Reality Check!

      It Always seems impossible until it's Done

                                                Nelson Mandela

I've heard it over and over...You're still dealing with this? Why do you keep going! The reality is when bad people do bad things, you must fight back, simple isn't it.

They're all around us, liars, schemers, frauds, payoffs, scratch my backers, people who will do anything to better themselves in position, wealth or just in their minds.  

I find it curious just how little support or positive encouragement I get and I now understand why this type of behavior has been going unchecked. People want to live in their own reality, they are afraid of the unknown, afraid to say anything, only wanting to exist in their little world.

That being said, this is exactly why there are so many bad people. In their reality, no one says or does anything about the actions, so why not! Go ahead let this homicide committer go, take care of the evidence, get rid of the vehicle, don't bother contacting the family because they won't know what to do and will do nothing!  Why do we wander how so many innocent are  convicted or why this world is such a mess.

Ignorance is bliss or is it?    


It is in my reality, to never allow this maniac behavior, narcissistic motives and obvious unchecked actions go. The consequences of ignoring it could be catastrophic for others. If those who experienced this before me had fought back then I would not have to.

We see it in our government, we see it in our families and friends. The reality is you are a big part of the problem. You must start calling a spade a spade, throwing the reality of the situation out there, deal with it, take it on. 

Having a good heart is just wonderful,  yet the sad reality is the consequences of doing nothing, can be impossible to repair. 

My actions should be the norm. 

My actions should be expected and supported.

My actions should be a reality for all.



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