
Showing posts from 2019

Where's my TuTu?

Dancing through my new experience with Fair Play Facts.  I have noticed some responses to my video's are fear based or have an unpleasant undertone because some feel that our Government or Elected Officials seem to control everything regardless of how hard you fight!! Well I certainly agree with this distress yet now I am even more confident that this dismay is exactly why they keep doing it.  Because they create fear to keep panic widespread & we allow it!!! Having confidence in yourself & trust in God is a magical thing. Let the Grand Jete' begin.


In the beginning when I had a glimpse of Fair Play Facts, I was not to sure on its path. Now that it is strengthening and positioning itself as a unique, informative, strong website, it is  time for me to hit the road, get my big girl boots on and recruit the best Wrongful Death Attorneys for referral.   Glimpsing back to my experiences with the Wrongful Death Attorney hell I went through, I now have some expertise on what this marriage should look like. Passing endless collages of Attorney billboards on the Florida freeways, 2 being my past counsel, I now know what I don't want for the families who need help with homicides, unreliable, ambulance chasers or a bad marriage!! California, Washington, Arizona & Nevada here is come, I miss you so :(

Memorial Talk!

Having a conversation with a friend yesterday the topic was the Government and the Constitution. Appropriate Memorial Day talk with so many souls who died for us in mind.  We conversed about the fact that our Government from Senators to the Police that walk the beat, have become so accustomed to trampling the people's rights, it's unclear if we really have them any longer. I ran a video last year on Fair Play Facts,  regarding this very topic, covering the fact that our Constitutional Rights are their to protect us yet our Government is constantly violating them. To find a Constitutional Attorney (if you can afford one) is obsolete, therefore, this may be the problem. Those voted into office appear to have formed a pack against the people. I'm not sure if it all pertains to greed yet, I feel confident that is why. The more money they make, the stronger they become. Another thought is it that we the people allowed this to happen, to leave the Government at their own wits...

A feeling of Accomplishment!

A friend ask me today, "how are you feeling now that all of what you wanted to get done is close to being accomplished"?  A very interesting feeling came over me, one of relief or of honor (satisfaction). I couldn't put my finder on it.  To think of where I was 3 years ago & the mind boggling thoughts of the work to be done, when I had no knowledge or experience in what was ahead. My reply " i can't even put it into words".  No words can describe what I have gone through, learned and accomplished. Oh maybe 1 word PROUD.

check mate!

Now that I have all of my check marks marked off, for the time being, regarding my husbands killing.  I have recently felt a glimpse of a normal life.  One that I used to know but have thrown into the backseat to ferment as I dove into this journey of justice. During my quick release into this new normal life, I have noticed that we as humans or people or souls, have become complainers or even more horrific, complacent! So quick to call a spade a spade and speak of change. Yet offer no real sacrifice to get that change.  Fear and complacency have taken over, everywhere.  I find it unbearable to deal with anyone who complains of Laws or family or how they have been screwed, when they have no will power or is it just excuses not to fight for what they believe.  I see some who mentally start the process but give up before it begins. Life's to short, go to the beach, the mountains or stay in your home in your town, call it a day & stop your fight & your ...

Dream it!

If you can Dream it, You Can Do  it!  ~Walt Disney Being an avid dreamer, this saying runs a long river of truth. Have you ever had a dream that within a day or two comes true?  Have you ever had a recurring dream as if someone is trying to pound a point into your head? What about seeing something, a place or event,  then realizing you had previously dreamed it or some portions of it. Well I have.  My dreams have been a pivotal support for me trough out my life.  Maybe because I am spiritual or possibly because so much of what I dream comes forth in life. Regardless, this support and or ability has lead me into a 3 year adventure. One of twists and turns, unexpected delays, unsavory characters, funny smart souls too! Yet, the steps I needed to take as I saw in my dreams years ago never swayed and neither will the outcome. Sleep tight.

The last laugh

I have recently been in contact with families who have been or are going through the ringer with Prosecutors after the loss of a family member. Interestingly most are in Florida!!  Such a small % of DUI manslaughter violators are prosecuted to the Law.   In one of my correspondence a Father had said that most DUI MANSLAUGHTER cases are not prosecuted because of overcrowding in our prisons.  I found this to be an interesting point of view whereas I find it to be to the contrary.  Most are imprisoned for much less then killing another! I've heard stories of drug dealers or even minor violators who spend more time in prison vs those in our Country who willingly drive drunk dead and take souls! Yet in any case the STATES make their money in fines! Regardless of the excuses, why have we as a society not insisted that Prosecutors do their jobs according to the Laws we have voted in, whats the point of having Laws?  When did our crew of Elected Officials feel ...


As life would have it, this is the first time I have had a moment to get back to business.  After spending time in the armpit of Florida and enduring an 8 hour interrogation,( Huh, I didn't kill my husband)! That beautiful soul above we call God has thrust me into the next level! I have managed to put the State & 2 unsavory Prosecutors on Notice of my intent, continue my Press Releases and I have moved to a smaller location which if anyone knows, can be the worst hell!! Well... no true hell is having your husband slaughtered but moving to a smaller home is mind boggling at least. NOW 10 bags of clothing, furniture donations, sore fingers and feet, I am ready to continue my adventure. Keep on rolling!

Enjoying the ride!

I've been crazy busy recently as life will be.  With so much to deal with in this amazing world of the web and my rising start Fair Play Facts, I can sometimes go and go for hours. I have noticed a sense of peace coming over me.  I can't put my finger on what has brought this on or is it an accumulation of many things. Is it simply that my soul is at peace with the experiences & situations that have been brought forth.  Could it be because I get so much support from family and friends old and new.  Maybe it's from my spiritual beliefs or possibly because of that wonderful man I call my Attorney.  Whatever it is, I feel so blessed and grateful.  #Goodthings


Now I am in the discovery stage of my experiences. I've realized that I am much stronger than I have ever thought. It's almost a depressing feeling when your mind catches up with your soul. When all that you thought was reality becomes reality.  When you realize that you can handle your purpose and all that has been brought before you. It's like deja vu, when uncovering that you knew this, did this, or experienced this before. As the sea is strong and unpredictable, so am I. What horizon is ahead? Who cares, because after what I have been through, it will be smooth sailing. Love Always #Godswatchingclosely

"I Want"

I am now preparing for the upcoming deposition of the man who took my husbands life.  I find it interesting how my emotional feelings for this man is that of what it was 3 years ago.  I want justice, I want answers and I want the truth! I do not have an ounce of concern for this person. Some speak of forgiveness yet maybe that's because their loved ones killer did not have someone protecting them. After all of the destruction this man and his family have done to me, I know that forgiveness will never be part of my journey and that's alright because its not up to me. That is up to God, Frank and those who have chosen to take part in a scenario that could of been totally avoided. Will they ever take a path of forgiveness or honesty for their Sons actions and allow their son to stand on his own and face the consequences? To be continued...

An expression of Love!

I have spent countless hours preparing my new non profit for its "clothing fundraiser", the experience of creating the fundraiser I thought was tough but designing a campaign has been challenging to say least.  With the "Have a Heart for Valentines Day" as the campaign slogan my mind seemed to sway to past Valentines Day's. I have never been big on expectations for this holiday because I have always felt we should express our Love throughout the year. Many of us do this by saying "I Love you" but to really show Love by respect and consideration is my motto! Yet I wandered back to 2000 when I came home to walk into our bedroom and found the room filled with Love! Gifts, candy, stuffed animals, you name it Frank had displayed his Love on that Valentine's Day. A day I'll never forget & Love him even more for. Happy upcoming Valentine's Day to all, show it every day in every way.

Total Trust

After years of suffering through the devastation, grief, horrific circumstance.  I am finally grasping the final legs of my completion. A purpose, the ability to listen and have total trust in God, has directed me to what I am.  A creator, visionary, who has become patient & trusting to those who prove they deserve it. I cannot believe my life and the reflection of my past. It's time for the future. #Godswatchingclosely

Independence or dependent?

As my process continues, it angers me more everyday how we as a society vote on Laws that are not followed by officials, unless there is no possible way for them to benefit. I see State to State clear cut cases of violations (especially after homicides) which is unacceptable. I can barely watch the news any longer realizing that this continuous hammering in our heads, is draining our ability to think for ourselves. The truth is we need to start thinking independently again, we need to grasp the notion that we have been controlled for too long. We need to insist on consistency and fair play within our Elected Officials.  We need to ensure that Laws we have voted in are followed & if an Official fails to do that, they should be imprisoned for breaking the Law. We have to follow the Laws why not them?  Or maybe, if we have enough cash for Prosecutors, we should all get drunk, drive, kill, ignore DUI laws, spend a year in Jail ( no bills to pay), VOTE, just to get out and do...

Halls of Justice

As I stood in the Halls of Justice this morning, waiting for my time to possibly see some sort of concern in a very serious Wrongful Death case.  I watched all of the characters grouping together in the Hall. So many independent conversations, so many relationships established, so many opportunities for bonding or swaying of the law.  What is Justice really, does it really exists anymore?  With so many opportunities for dishonest behavior, why do we expect Justice?

Are You Ready for Adventure?

As I prepare for another trip to Clearwater Florida, my nickname (armpit of Florida), to continue the journey of Justice for my husbands killing.  This portion of the Journey is Wrongful Death, not criminal.  Being the State Attorney gave this Drunk Killer a traffic violation, the criminal portion of my experience will come at a later date, because I will make that happen. Wrongful Death is the liability of this killer & the process is just beginning after 2 1/2 years because of the 3 previous shameless Attorney's who tried to discard me. I am so looking forward to meeting my new Attorney, his endurance and strength brings me comfort. I am anxious to get the show on the road, as Frank used to say "Are you ready for Adventure".  Yes I am.