An expression of Love!

I have spent countless hours preparing my new non profit for its "clothing fundraiser", the experience of creating the fundraiser I thought was tough but designing a campaign has been challenging to say least.  With the "Have a Heart for Valentines Day" as the campaign slogan my mind seemed to sway to past Valentines Day's.
I have never been big on expectations for this holiday because I have always felt we should express our Love throughout the year. Many of us do this by saying "I Love you" but to really show Love by respect and consideration is my motto! Yet I wandered back to 2000 when I came home to walk into our bedroom and found the room filled with Love! Gifts, candy, stuffed animals, you name it Frank had displayed his Love on that Valentine's Day. A day I'll never forget & Love him even more for. Happy upcoming Valentine's Day to all, show it every day in every way.


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