Dream it!

If you can Dream it, You Can Do it!  ~Walt Disney

Being an avid dreamer, this saying runs a long river of truth. Have you ever had a dream that within a day or two comes true?  Have you ever had a recurring dream as if someone is trying to pound a point into your head? What about seeing something, a place or event,  then realizing you had previously dreamed it or some portions of it. Well I have. 

My dreams have been a pivotal support for me trough out my life.  Maybe because I am spiritual or possibly because so much of what I dream comes forth in life. Regardless, this support and or ability has lead me into a 3 year adventure. One of twists and turns, unexpected delays, unsavory characters, funny smart souls too! Yet, the steps I needed to take as I saw in my dreams years ago never swayed and neither will the outcome. Sleep tight.


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