
Uncivil Art

              ~Power concedes nothing without a demand. - Frederick Douglas~   Recently a well know actor posted a pic requesting help for the ACLU. With a purchase of a shirt you will help them on this cause. The platform is that drag is an art and a right. As my mind went back to my attempts to get some assistance from the ACLU,  any guidance on the despotic actions I had to endure at the hands of bad cops and rogue prosecutors, surely the American Civil Liberties Union would have some help. I did not get one reply from a union based on liberty (freedom from despotic control), yet now they are now defending art. There's a fine line between art  & sanity         Our civil rights are boiled down to the right to vote, government services, public education and the right to a fair trial. The right to freedom from liberty violations. So the drag queens feel that states are treating them with despotic control?  Is this a serious issue in our society? Why doesn't the ACLU assist

Silence is Golden

            "The soul always knows what to do to heal itself., the challenge is to silence the mind"                          Caroline Muss Our world is moving to an unorthodox way of being. It's difficult to watch as I see so many confused souls whom seem unsure if they are in the right body. A mass confusion with the sexes. Which begs the question, is God deliberately birthing souls with the wrong sex?  If not, are these people changing their purpose and will it affect them or others? Is this a soul decision or is it mind controlled? I would reply that God makes no mistakes and I can assure you that this epidemic of mass sexual confusion was not an intent. That being said then these decisions to alter your God given form, must be changing purpose. The life purpose or the focus of someone who is solely driven by sex change and trying to prove it makes them complete, doesn't trust in Gods will and changes everything, simple.                          Many of us, mysel

Whatever You Call It, It's Family

              Family ~ a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and               their children.   I  recently has a conversation with my sister about family. She and some other family members are concerned for my well being. Where am I moving to? What is the rest of my life going to look like? Should I go back to the home state I left 40 years ago? Should I move closer to a brother who lives in the west? They seem to want me closer to family.  Now that the family I knew, a home, husband, pets are all gone, I have to ask myself...what is family. If it is best I be near family and she is probably right, who is my family?  Many of my siblings have children, some are close and some are nothing but misery. Will that help me? Do I desire to be around that energy, or will it just implode my soul. ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~ Exploration, adventures and relationships, new and old are important to

The Choice is Yours

           "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."                                                  William Jennings Bryan Chance and choice, does our reality depend on the chance that something is going to happen? Can we make the choice to change? If our destiny is by chance then does choice even matter?  I often think about what I had done to deserve my husband losing his life on a sidewalk, tampering cops, rogue prosecutor, bad people and a state full of liars. What are the chances?  Even though I know now that they have become accustom to treating the innocent as the guilty, for whatever their demonic souls desire, yet I did not know then.  I still could not wrap myself around the fact that I had to make a choice. I could tolerate the unknown as many before me have done or I could make the choice to accept my destiny.  As I became more aware of what I was dealing with I realized nothi

Walk The Walk

        In your death you became pivotal in my life ~ A surprising contact blog 1/8/23                                                                 ~                " Hell is empty and all the devils are here" .,  William Shakespeare Could that be true? Are all of the bad, demonic, evil souls here with us? Sounds like a possibility to me yet if that is reality then what happens to those souls when they die? Do we get forgiven for bad behavior or do we have to walk the walk? I would ask this question over and over again in hopes my spirit family would give me the answer. After years of so many questions they would only speak of the living and of course the early am "Good Morning". Until one night while Frank and I slept.                               Do bad, evil souls get to exist in the beauty of heaven? In the midst of a slumber, suddenly I was on a beautiful large white ferry boat, I glanced to my right only to see my mom. She was smiling and said "look a

Full Circle

          Unethical behavior significantly increases the cost of doing business ~ unknown Within weeks after my husbands homicide, confused and uniformed because the Florida prosecutor had never contacted me, I hired a Clearwater Fl., attorney via phone. He seemed knowledgeable and honest, stating he would find out what was going on. The relief was palpable. After weeks of no information, no clue of who took his life, or who or what a prosecutor was, this attorney sounded just right to me. Shortly after his hiring, the attorney started to ignore my questions. "What is wrongful death" I would ask, "its an action" his reply. Vague and slow to answer, he never committed for questioning. Then one day 3 months after Franks death, he called me and stated he was settling the wrongful death case. I didn't know then yet I know now that wrongful death cases take years to settle and they must be filed within two years. Why was he trying to settle only months after this DUI

A Surprising Contact

         The interesting thing about the dead is; they like to talk and talk they do.                                                                Who's watching who blog 12/20/22 I felt so relieved when my mom was able to contact me after her passing.  It gave me a sense of relief, comfort and it generated many more questions.  If she can do this then why can't my father? Can all souls make contact? And then one day, I was recording while cooking in the kitchen with my then boyfriend. I could hear and knew something was going on as JoJo bird would drag her beak and her eyes would dilate. Soon after lunch, I rewound the tape and received the answer to one of my questions, as a deeper voice had joined my mother.     "Isn't it something we are here with our daughter!" So who is this does he got a name?     "That's her boyfriend, she's very happy now".     "So ah, So ah" Then suddenly another voice, a much stronger voice exclaimed "