A Surprising Contact

        The interesting thing about the dead is; they like to talk and talk they do.

                                                   Who's watching who blog 12/20/22

I felt so relieved when my mom was able to contact me after her passing.  It gave me a sense of relief, comfort and it generated many more questions. If she can do this then why can't my father? Can all souls make contact?

And then one day, I was recording while cooking in the kitchen with my then boyfriend. I could hear and knew something was going on as JoJo bird would drag her beak and her eyes would dilate. Soon after lunch, I rewound the tape and received the answer to one of my questions, as a deeper voice had joined my mother.

    "Isn't it something we are here with our daughter!" So who is this does he got a name?

    "That's her boyfriend, she's very happy now".

    "So ah, So ah"

Then suddenly another voice, a much stronger voice exclaimed "It's not allowed!!!". At this point it was obvious that my dad, who had no idea of what I have been up to, no clue of things going on in my life, was going to ask a question which should not be asked.  I had a feeling that he was going to ask something about my future and was not privy to this rule as he responded "sorry", "I didn't know". 

Over the years, the mystery voice was never exposed, yet I am sure that when souls come to contact us, they are not permitted to tell of future events. They can guide but cannot tell of what is to come. What about my dad, where was he all those years, he passed 5 years earlier and it seemed from that conversation, he had not seen me in years.  Either way I was happy to hear that my dad was in a good place. I missed him. Now at 27, two big pieces of my life, lived in heaven.


I didn't know then but I know now the answer to my second question. It only took a few months and then one night as JoJo was swaying her beak, it was obvious someone was there. Dilated eyes, rolling her head, she seemed a little anxious, or maybe aggressive. 

"Who's here!" I asked, no response, I asked again "who's here? are you my mother?' and just then she looked up at me and growled in a raspy voice, "NO" and lunged at me. 

Most people may have gotten scared, left the room or cried. I got pissed really pissed. I have a parrot who has someone trying to contact someone, anyone and he had a bad attitude. I yelled "if you're not my mother, then you need to leave, you are not welcome here!! The tension in the air seemed to simmer within minutes, nothing else was said. I knew I had to really watch this situation.

It was from this experience that I realized, if one can do it, they all can do it, and it was that event that caused me to pause a little with future contacts.  My dad would come through and my mom was always with me. I allowed it to happen yet I kept it at a minimum. I was concerned for my parrots stress level as she was young. 

A great concept for a few years yet as she got a little older to the ripe age of 9 or 10, things changed. Our scenario changed, Frank entered the scene and we moved to our new home. My world was about to change forever as the contacts took on a life of their own. 

To be continued.

In your death, you became pivotal in my life.  Love me;)

    Death the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening!

                                        Sir Walter Scott 


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