Trust No One

I often mention on ads or posts that we should #trustnoone. It comes off funny yet my intentions are true. I have noticed a disintegration of mankind, a serious destruction of care and concern in our country, which may be world wide. 

The lack of concern for others time, the poor me attitudes and down right inconsiderate actions. Which may stem from the recent knowledge that our government has been run by thugs and attorney's for the last decade.

Or is this rampant disassociation for others well being from pure narcissism? Are people giving up and joining the crowd or has it been learned? Either way it's leading to idiotic behavior and its changing how we associate with each other.

I feel like a stranger in my own world. Everything is changing for me when and how I express care for others and the way I treat them. I rarely meet someone without an agenda. Everything seems to be disintegrating, it is now a doggy dog world.

Young and old have become inconsiderate. Our system is allowing, almost glorifying theft, drunk driving among other things by not following law.  Doctors now question motives, lumping distrust equally within their practice, a distrust they invented. Even just driving down the street, I see drivers who don't care if they take up 2 lanes or park sideways to inconvenience others. Years ago realtors questioned their clients to get the best fit, now it's a free for all. Show everything, get the money, with no consideration for anyone.

Maybe it is where I live, maybe it is not as bad in other places, yet I doubt it. I pride myself with honest and have been trusted into the realization that many just have an agenda and that is all they really care about. An agenda full of self indulgence and self protection.

Could it be that this self absorbed aroma penetrating our society is related to the fact that we have greedy, careless people running our cities, states, judicial system and government? Have we given up as a society because we realize that nothing matters because nothing changes?

I just can't figure it out and now I am becoming jaded. Trust should mirror trust, consideration for others should be too.  I now look at everything differently and have found peace in being alone. So much less stress vs dealing with the deceitful, undependable souls out there. It really is just safer and easier to expect nothing, keep to yourself and #trustnoone.



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