Better You Than Me

Recently, a family member who has been going through some turmoil after her husbands passing, was being challenged by other family members. In specific, will and money, no way can't be. As the stress builds in her fight to find the truth, to challenge and to learn, she had started to question herself and why she was going through this. Self doubt, feeling sorry for herself and fear of the unknown put her in a space of "why me"?

Every conversation we had over several weeks, I could hear her disintegrating, more and more. "I just can't take it anymore", "why am I going through this? why me !!" And then one day she informed me that another family member surprisingly shouted at her..."you're gonna die if you keep up this fight"!! Words that I had heard just a year earlier from another family member regarding my plight for justice and to hold "rogue prosecutor" responsible for her lies and deceit. "you're gonna die if you keep this up"!

As you can tell our family is very supportive, words of you can do this or if you need my help, is just not in their vocabulary and now the death for trying is all they have going for them.

            "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records"

Of course, I was a little taken back that she was being smacked with the same punchline but I didn't even go there. I simply responded with "why not you?" She said I know but I just don't understand why this is happening to me

"It is happening to you because you need to stop this, you need to learn what you are made of and you need to follow it all the way through, so it doesn't happen to anyone else"! Why would you die for fighting for what is yours or holding those responsible for severely bad behavior? We are stronger than we know.

What we all must realize is this, bad things happen, there is adversity everywhere. Challenging that, taking it on head on, is growth. This is not happening to her, it's happening for her. Instead of questioning "why me?" asked yourself what am I going to learn from this? It's all for a reason and we must stop feeling sorry for ourselves. It is through these bad things that we learn what we are made of, so do it, or you will have to go through it again!

We are what we eat, hear & speak. 

I know I will never be the same nor would I want to go back to ignorance, it's just not me anymore. Now I get to watch her find out what she is made of and hope she enjoys the ride. 

As for our family, I have resolved myself to the fact that they just want to instill fear, or maybe they have never fought for something with the very soul they have been blessed with and fear is the first response. Regardless, they have no intent of supporting those of us who are challenging adversity. It's ok, we will just have to do it without them, as we explore the new me.

                "The journey is never ending"


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