The road less traveled


In the beginning I thought it was tough enough to give up my home, life as I knew it and move across country to deal with the despotic actions of Florida Prosecutor's. I also took into account that the 5 or so cross country trips before moving was putting a strain on my furry friends too.

Now that I am into the Federal portion of my existence, I realize the driving, air flights, & previous train trips where a piece of cake. Our Federal government has created a winding, hilly, rough road for the average person to maneuver. It's full of turns, dead ends and I am constantly yielding to unprofessional behavior and downright lying. 

Everything I have done and everyone I have come across in the process of holding the City of Clearwater responsible for their in your face Federal & State violations, has taught me one thing...I will never be like the out of control, intoxicated person who drove on the sidewalk & took a life! I will be focused, clear minded and ready for the road less traveled.


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