Hello, it's Me


After spending the last 2 years absorbing wrongful death proceedings (finally found an attorney after Florida left me attorney less 3x) and dissecting the Insurance affect! Oh, for those who are not aware with that reference, the Insurance affect is when the attorney's for the defendants insurance company somehow make you & your loved one, the victim of homicide, somehow responsible or part of the problem and that's why they are fighting you on the insurance.

In homicides, personal injury cases, the insurance companies take the "we are gonna prove you wrong" mentality. Even though you weren't even there, they try to make your past life a big part of the case. Which the goal seems to be protect their clients, regardless if they are guilty. These actions halted my blogging for a short time and exposed many that I thought where trust worthy souls yet really have narcissistic brains and now, Hello, I'm back!

 The road over the past 2 years has progressed, I've survived, learned & have gained even more confidence that I will be a driving force in Justice for my husband Frank, against all of the "scratch my back" officials in Clearwater, Florida and anyone who was involved.

Life's a journey, enjoy the ride.




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