Good Vibrations!
Hoping drains your energy. Action creates energy. Robert T Liyosaki Why is it nearly every time I am near a computer something goes haywire. When I am at the casino's or working a register, there is always a problem, they stop working or start to have glitches. Is my energy doing this? I've also noticed a conflict in my energy around people who are lethargic or self absorbed. I get a feeling of anxiety, it becomes hard to concentrate as they merely speak of their day or try to convince me what I am doing is wrong. Are they draining my energy because they are at a lower frequency or is it because they are vibrating negative energy? We are all energy and I have always run at a positive, higher vibe. I have learned recently to tone it down yet when I am in the vicinity of very low energy souls or more negative people, I feel besides myself as if they are stealing my energy. The lack of passion or good vibes is draining. It's t...